
Well-Known Member
More directed at people that have done it, and I hope you don't mind me asking and don't think I am "cheating" by not finding out the hard way!

Do I need to book in advance for a ferry, which seems to be quite expensive for what it is (£300ish online) or can I just head off down there and buy a ticket on the day? I have heard some people have only paid £140 for a ferry...what have you lot done so far? I go into the port town and buy a ticket...or the port itself to get a ticket? How does it work?

Cheers :)

Buy ticket on the day, or day before in Algecieras (spell check that!) loads at the port itself
Thanks storm. It will more than likely be on the day. Do I get it from the port or in one of those travel agent kiosk/shop things in town? How much have you paid?
I got mine in the port itself...too many spaniards running around trying to sell me tickets, made me think i was getting ripped off..we just did the day trip so cant say what a landy will cost, depends on passengers and length of out for all the feckin hawkers on the other side!! Madness!!
Nice one, good to know you can get tickets at the port itself, makes it easier than faffery.

Will be looking out for the hawkers!
Believe me...its like a scene from star wars!! And if you are with a blonde woman..tell her to wear a hat..they stare, pinch, make comments etc...(avert eyes now if you are foreign)..feckin lewd arab bastids!!
It's fine, my crew mate is an Arab male...helps in lots of situations. From what you say Moroccans must be very different to Tunisians/Algerians then even, though its not that far away?...we had a very blonde white female with us then and she got pretty much ignored, even when she managed up in a male toilet/shower facilities oblivious to the fact!
Blimey..maybe we were unlucky! Bird i was with, the men kept trying to touch her hair, very blonde...very ****ed off!
Hi Rusty,

Legend has it that Carlos has the cheapest tickets:

Pol. Ind. Palmones I, salida 112
C/ Fragata, local 3
11379 Los Barrios (Cádiz)
Tfnos: (0034) 956 675 653 / Portable: (0034) 606 288 880
Fax: (0034) 956 675 719

You can also spend the night in the Lidl carpark across the road from his place (not many places to camp in Algeciras), many motorhomers do.

When I emailed for his prices he wasn't alot cheaper than direct ferries, so we just got them online from direct ferries, thought it would be easier getting it out the way. The cool thing is you can turn up at anytime for the return, they don't seem to care what date you actually booked.

I tried to post my route files on the forum, but they were to big for landyzone, so if you pm me your email addy I'll mail them to you. Carlos'es place is saved as a favourite on my gps.

In reply to your earlier question, what was good, well all of it. The only thing I might cut out is one day of desert driving, frrom Akka to Tan Tan, it is just more of what you have already done, and it punishes the vehicles quite badly. There are also some optional mountain routes in my plan, which we left out as we had done mountains to death by then.
RR - Boogs has mentioned Carlos :) so say no more.

you will see loads of place on the run into Alger. selling tickets, ignore them and head for port. even with spanish touts we turned up, follwed a bloke and were on a ferry in 30minutes. we paid 240eu no fixed return for landy and 2 adults. you can get it cheaper by fixing your return, but prices vary by season. So just get down there and get over. we rocked up at 4pm and thought **** it, lets cross now! in Morocco by 5pm :)

good luck

Thanks Griff, good info :). That's that bit of the journey sorted then...turn up and wing it...seems like the regular "plan" then hehe.

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