Land rover have gone from a utility vehicle to where the money is- disposable chariots written off against tax.

From the p38 onwards the vehicles were far away from the British leyland smack it with a hammer and repair it in middle of nowhere vehicle's.

A certain member of lz commented to me that land rovers of old are crap-but affordable to keep on road.

I reckon some of the horror stories on newer stuff there will be a lot fewer new cars as classics in future.
No it doesn't. But remember that a bad comment can go round the world before a good word has got out of bed.

very true,but read the other peoples comments and tales of woe.lets hope jlr get their act together now.;)
I happen to be a disco 2 owner and yes it's had it's problems but then it had 130k miles on the clock so problems were to be expected, I'm guessing these people brought high millage discos to and just expected them to be perfect.

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