The glass cover on my temperature gauge broke recently and ever since then the needle has been showing as red, even though she's running fine and dandy.

Does the glass act in some way to create a vacuum for the needle to work?

In other words, do I just replace the glass or do I need a new sealed gauge ?

OK, thanks. It starts off as normal, but shoots up to red once it gets up to working temp, so I assume it's not jammed just over reading the engine temperature without the glass cover on.

I'll buy some new glass, hoover it out to remove any dust and see what happens unless there are any other suggestions. :confused:
OK, thanks. It starts off as normal, but shoots up to red once it gets up to working temp, so I assume it's not jammed just over reading the engine temperature without the glass cover on.

I'll buy some new glass, hoover it out to remove any dust and see what happens unless there are any other suggestions. :confused:
I'd recommend binning the original gauge and get a matching gauge and sender from VDO (or similar), will work a lot better and actually tell you what your temperature is (accurately) rather than some vague pointing.

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