
Hi everyone just joined the site i ve some issuses with my 2003 4.4 v8 vouge since changing the battery its seemed to throwing up numerous falts.
first the passenger headlamp wash wipe stick in the up postion both washer jets wont work,the passengers door wont lock through the central locking,on start up it displays air suspension inactive, door open and slow down max 30 mph and the orange light against drive on the gear change flickers ...any help would be appreciated.....also i got a parrot kit fitted it mutes the radio on an incoming call but the calls not amplified you have to turn the volume up full.
I would guess that the suspension inactive is linked to the door open message, if a door is open then the suspension is held inactive. Fix the door locking and you will probably fix the suspension as well.

The wash wipe may well be due to ice having moved the wiper arm on the spindle and the washer fluid could be frozen if you do not have a winter washer mix. Might have cooked the motors if you have kept trying it.
has this only happened since the new battery?

have a look at the terminals and check battery, on older (p38) rangies, stuff like this happens whan theres a power fault, usually low power due to poor earth. you could put a jump lead to the engine and to the neg terminal, if the issues disappear then its earth related.

also make sure you didn't leave any small wires off the battery.

what was the time sequence of faults/battery change/phone kit???
the phone kit was fitted a while back it mutes the radio on a incoming call but its not amplified through the sound sytem.....the battery was changed two weeks ago and all the warnings started a few days later drove it today and got door open ,slow down,tree chimes with no messages all since the battery change.
does any one have a wiring format for a parrot kit to the wiring to sort out the problem.

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