
Dummy Ejection Facilitator..
I got pulled over by Plod yesterday morning (Saturday).

By a rather polite plod, who said he was just stopping me for a Chat? He then asked what sort of security I had. He was quite shocked when I said "None, and the locks are fubared". :eek:

Apparently the number 1 stolen vehicle in the County is older defenders. He advised a disklock and a clutch claw ASAP as these 2 items results in the most failed theft attempts on Defenders.

He was part of the stolen vehicle squad and they are currently collating info on where when and what time vehicles tend to be targetted. & also what security if any they have fitted. I did recommend he visit LZ But don't know if he will.

Just thought I'd mention it.
It's nice to know they are aware of the issue and being decent enough to offer advice to those who maybe aren't aware of available security devices.

He was prob pulling you over to assess if you were going to act dodgy might have pulled a lucky one and got a nicked one!

Then again I don't know anyone more dody than pikey!
I asked last year whether they did a 'stop me' sticker scheme like they do in other parts of the country and was told they'd get back to me.....

Never did
Good to see that the police are taking a proactive approach.

We regularly used to get stopped near Cirencester if we were coming back from the workshop late at night, the plod were always friendly and just wanted to check that the vehicles hadn't been nicked. They didn't have a clue about security devices though.
i had a simmilar thing happen to me last year, was out collecting some equipment from a site at 1am due to there being no security, police pulled us, checked our vehicle, paperwork for the equipment and the equipment then sent us on our way

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