
New Member
Hi, My problem is that at least once a day my fans go on and will not stop unless the car is turned off for a few minutes and then re-started. There does not seem to be any particular reason for this as it seems to happen when the car is cold as well as when the car is hot, going uphill, downhill or on a flat. We can pull and replace the sensor and that stops it, but only very temporarily. We can not seem to locate the problem. Does anyone have a suggestion? Anything would be greatly appreciated as we do not want to blow out the fans. Thank you!
Welcome to the forum.

Has the relay failed?

Cooling systems often come on by default if the "process" for monitoring engine temp thinks theres a problem, like no temp reading from the sensor. Get a code reader to chack for faults and this may narrow it down.

Also search for the LR bible called the "rave disk" and download it for free. It's about 650meg. Tells yer how to fix yer LR.

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