New Member
I have lost count with the amount of times that my fan belt has snapped on my 90 and im at my wits end with what the problem could be. Is this a common problem with other old Tdi's or is it just mine?! Would love some help with this one please!!

The belts that I have recovered seem to been heavily warn and almost melted?! Is it a case of the wrong type of belt size??? HEEELLLPPPP!!
Could be a siezed pulley, a dodgy dampner or a bent crank pully... you need to get it apart and check every moving part for signs of problems...
Not a common problem and not one I have ever come across on on these engines.

I assume that you have checked the obvious that everything is in line, nothing is siezed or rubbing against the belt? When you back off the tensioner to fit the new belt does the new belt fit easily or is it still a tight fit?
It strikes me as one of those problems that a fresh pair of eyes might identify the cause in a matter of minutes.
Sounds potentially expensive, but until i get under her this weekend there is no telling. Ive got a new belt this afternoon so probably going to fit it later so il have a look for the signs you think may be the problem and let you know! Also, previous belts have lasted a good few months, but only seems to happen when its wet?? thanks for the help
not one of the problems my 90/300 tdi suffers from , as others say check your pulley ect might save a big bill !

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