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Crap happens I guess. Fan belt suddenly broke just before Heston services. At least I can get a coffee while waiting for AA recovery.
Crap happens I guess. Fan belt suddenly broke just before Heston services. At least I can get a coffee while waiting for AA recovery.

I keep my old one in the spare wheel well. You never know!
I do the same old one in the boot and the spanner for the fan, I hate not being able to fix silly things there and then.
Got home eventually about 01:30 AM. AA Patrol guy came & looked and nicely chatted while removing the broken belt. No option to fix as the tensioner fully has also disintegrated. He arranged for recovery which didn't arrive until 12:45. AA Call centre should have listened to me & sent recovery first time.

Car now on drive waiting for me to check all the pulleys and fan to see what broke first, second, etc.
Got home eventually about 01:30 AM. AA Patrol guy came & looked and nicely chatted while removing the broken belt. No option to fix as the tensioner fully has also disintegrated. He arranged for recovery which didn't arrive until 12:45. AA Call centre should have listened to me & sent recovery first time.

Car now on drive waiting for me to check all the pulleys and fan to see what broke first, second, etc.

Glad you got home ok. I've had the same issue with AA, no matter how many times you say it needs a low loader,they send a van. Not just a waste of our time but waste of the van guy's time, who could be at a job he can actually help.
Had a slightly different AA mess up 2 weeks ago. Neighbour lost his keys to little car (corsa or something equally indistinct). Couldn't use 'normal' opening methods as boy had dead locked it. Car belonged to son who wasn't in country and neighbour only has AA for his car rather than him (dumb). So used my card, AA told we needed a van with cutting kit. AA guy called to say on way, we asked did he have cutting kit. Guess what, correct, he didnt, so had to cancel the job and reassign it to a van with kit. Van turned up, no key cutting facility! We eventually got in by using other methods.
Sorry to hijack thread but just agree AA should learn that some drivers know what theyre talking about.
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It's not so much the AA Patrol guys, but how the call centre interpret both the customer and the messages back to them from patrol. The 1st guy I saw put all the required details into an online tablet, and requested recovery directly. The only reason for the delay was limited trucks in the area at the time.

But call centre definitely needs to listen to what they're told !!
It's not so much the AA Patrol guys, but how the call centre interpret both the customer and the messages back to them from patrol. The 1st guy I saw put all the required details into an online tablet, and requested recovery directly. The only reason for the delay was limited trucks in the area at the time.

But call centre definitely needs to listen to what they're told !!

Agreed. The guys do a great job, when they're sent by control to job they are equipped for. Rant mode on # Membership fees might also go down if they didn't waste time, money and expertise by effectively sending two mechanics, in two vehicles, to one job. One to look and say "you're right, you need "whatever you told control initially" , then leave, and hours later the correct veh with correct equipment turns up. Rant mode off#
ok guys which tensioner to buy ?

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