
New Member

any suggestions. Power steering pump pulley sheared off completely a few
weeks ago resulting in a complete new pump,pulley wheel etc being fitted.
However I noticed a few days ago that a small section of the fan belt had come off & upon closer inspection it appears that the power steering pulley wheel is slightly out of alignment from the other pulley wheels that the belt passes thru.

The garage have checked that the correct pump was fitted which it was & have ordered another pump just in case the shaft on existing one is slightly longer.Does anyone have an idea what can be done if the new steering pump is the same i.e. causes the belt to be out of alignment by about 1/4"

Has anyone come across anything like this before? Any assistance greatly
appreciated as Disco goes back into garage on Wed.

This may be a silly question, but is the pulley on the pump on the correct way round?

I had this very thing happen to my truck a few weeks ago, luckily i found the pulley so i could re-use it. If you have fitted a new pulley however, it wouldnt have any dirt or wear marks on it, and it may not be as obvious which way round it should be.

From memory there should be "front" engraved on one face of it, but that could be the water pump pulley instead.

Turn it round and see if it makes any difference....

garage had it in yesterday.The pulley is on the right way & its the original
pulley wheek.They got another pump to check the length of shaft protruding from the pump but it was identical to the one fitted so we still
have approx 1/2" run off i.e. the steering pump pulley wheel is approx 1/2"
further out (nearer front of engine bay) than the other pulley wheels.......

is the pump fitted in the correct place? i mean if it the lugs on the pump fit behind the lugs on the injun. is it fitted that way or has it bin put on wiff the pump lugs towards the front. there by pushing it forwards of it intended position?

thanks for the reply.Still at work but I will check either tonight
or over the weekend.Great suggestion,sounds very plausible,

Here's hoping,

Hi, I have had exactly the same problem, can you tell me if and how you sorted it out in the end?

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