Active Member
...Just got myself a Fairey Capstan winch, and after cleaning all the crud off of it it appears to be in surprisingly good condition and seems to work fine (needs a bit of a clean on the inside and new oil, but nothing nasty). The only problem is the UJ is completely knackered and previous attempts to remove it appear to have resulted in it being butchered!:mad:

Try as I might, I cannot find anywhere that seems to sell them (lots of drive dogs, brackets, shafts, etc etc but no UJs) - does anybondy know where I can get one, or does anyone have one lying around (even if I have to have the whole drive shaft) that I can buy???:eek:

A custom prop maker should be able to knock you something up to fit if you have the dimensions of the shaft it needs etc
Thanks Dr Evil.... got a company in Bristol that could possibly do it, but was hoping for something original and without a long wait, but may have to go down that route as a last resort:)
IIRC there is nothing all that special about that UJ and its yokes (been a while since I played with an Aerooparts engine-driven winch). Those are used very commonly for small-scale power transmission.

Were I you I'd have a talk with your nearest power-transmission (pullies, sheaves, bearings and so forth) shop and I'm sure they could sort you out something that could be adapted to the shafts with little work. I'm at work now but tonight if I remember I'll have a fossick through my catalogues and see if I can come up with a part number.

Barring that, the sliding U-joint on an old RRC or D1 steering coupling shaft might be put to good use, though it's a bit undersized.

Really appreciate that MrChurchill as drawn a complete blank on this so far - apart from Dr Evil's suggestion, which will likely be expensive for a one off, but if that's what it takes then that's what it will have to be
go to a farm tractor place they make pto drive shafts all the time. As long as you got the old one, makes it easier for them to fab a new one. should be a piece of cake. Have repaired/rebuilt lots of pto shafts that broke the uj yoke, got new and welded them on
Thanks Guys - certainly a few options there for me to follow up
(I've got lots of feelers out at the moment and still hoping someone will come up with an original, but looking very unlikely at the moment)
Thanks for your help guys...found a really helpful guy in Chard's of BRistol who has informed me that the joint is actually a "Precision Bearing" (not sure exactly what the difference between that and a UJ is, but there you go)... has ordered a blank and will bore out the exact internal shaft diameters required, includes the keyway on the input shaft side , treaded holes for all grub screws and shear pin and will actually be a bit stronger (40mm OD rather than the current 32OD).... bit pricey but at least will be job done!:)

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