
New Member
OH has decided he doesn't want to attempt the timing by himself so phoned a local garage today for a quote, bloke says to check carb and timing and points will take 'couple of hours' so it will be about £96 +VAT :confused: does that sound about right?

or does anyone want to do it or £50 plus as many bacon and egg butties as they can eat;)
couple of hours at 96 is main stealer prices, it should be half that! oh, and mornin elbs, how's yer doin?
morning od's, doing fine, me brain hurts from trying to decide whether to give the garage me had earned pennies or not:rolleyes: or it could be hurtin cos i got too comfortably numb listening to floyd last night;)
morning od's, doing fine, me brain hurts from trying to decide whether to give the garage me had earned pennies or not:rolleyes: or it could be hurtin cos i got too comfortably numb listening to floyd last night;)

It's a "no brainer".

Do it yourself!

New points, clean plugs, (or new ones) and set the timing just the way the book says.

There's almost nothing to adjust on the carb if the engine is running OK.

£96 + VAT plus "while we were checking we discovered X Y and Z faukts and fixed them so that's another £96 + VAT ..."

Your money is better in your pocket.

I been telling him charles to be brave and DIY but he has as much mechanical knowledge as a 5 yr old, :rolleyes: but i've just held his hand and showed him where the points are and if i can persuade my dad to maybe have a look with him he might save me some bloody money and have a go. sparks are new, that one thing he can do all by himself;)
will probably need that if he mucks it up completely:eek:

the time to learn how to do such tasks as points and timing is when the vehicle is parked on your drive, so eventually when you've broken down in the middle of nowhere you'll be able to sort the problem yourself and not need to be calling out an expensive recovery service
tis a bit far indeed luv;) the boy will just have to get his hands dirty and learn:D
Prehaps you Burd should learn as women say men are feckin useless and it will help you see that us boys are usefull when ya round ya knuckles arf in the bay on a screw head or summat..

:eek::D well i might just do that :p as far as i could see there was no bolts involved so i won't break a nail:mooning:
:eek::D well i might just do that :p as far as i could see there was no bolts involved so i won't break a nail:mooning:
and a good day to you , i've been told and indeed have done it myself as follows, get the engine warm and make sure you have your favourite tipple of petrol in it ,( i found the higher octane the better) tescos do a superb 99 which my 2 2/4 petrol runs on and its fine, anyway get it warm and loosen the clamp holding the distributer and slowly turn it clockwise, you will hear the engine note change you are now advancing the spark the general rule i have found is to advance the spark as far as you can without the engine "pinking " under load , when you have turned it a little way and the engine note has changed tighten the clamp and take it for a spin pref up a steep hill and run it up through the gears ..try to get the engine to labour in say third or fourth, go back home and turn it a little more and repeat, the same hill, you will notice that the engine becomes nippier every time until you come to a point when you are driving up the hill and you will notice a rythmic high pitched tapping sound .. this is the "pinking" i was on about as you race up the gears, now go back home and turn the distributer back a little, repeat the hill until the pinking stops, you are now as far advanced as you can be and getting the best out of your engine, i know its very long winded and a hassle but i have been told this method by several mechanics and i have set my timing this way and its been great hope it helps landybird, best wishes and good luck whatever way you get it done
Two hours and £96 + VAT to do a twenty minute job!!!!!!!!!:confused: strewth:doh:
What the hell do they charge for a full service:rolleyes:
The thing is.....and you know it too, you DIY it and you'll be able to do it forever, just do one thing at a time, take your time do do it right, when the one thing is done, do the next, your timing is probably ok, start with the points and condenser first, just doing that you may have cracked the problem and wont have to do the rest, if your still getting problems, change the spark plugs (check the gap on them) and the leads, very simple things to DIY, and it will give you confidence to go on to the next stages

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