
New Member
Just saying's only polite really isn't it :D

I'm the head mod of the UKGSer forum, which is sort of why I'm here really......

We all ride BMW GS monster trailies......Morocco is a favourite destination but I've ended up starting a business running supported trips down to Morocco (and Beyond) for dual-sport motorcyclists (and probably mountain/road cyclists as well in the future)

I'm in the process of buying a 110 CSW, with a recently fitted 200tdi lump in it.....the idea is I'll be taking the guy's bikes down to Marrakesh, they'll fly in and I'll be leading tours of the high Atlas, into the desert and generally pratting about in that sort or area......with camping eqpt, spares, cooking stuff etc etc all based on the landy.

Previous landy experience includes doing the Plymouth-Banjul challenge a couple of years ago in a vintage series 2 ambulance bodied beauty and a '74 (I think :confused:) series was quite a trip and we ended up being support vehicles for a group of 10 or so clapped out bangers on the Nouadhibou-Nouakchott Saharan west coast crossing......we went in three up with our own kit and came out with 8 people in or on the landy, towing a trailer with everyone else's kit on board and multiple bergens strapped to the sides....when we got down to Banjul we ended up donating the two landies to a project deep in the bush, where they're doing sterling work for a remote clinic (The Alexander Edwards Clinic) and the chimpanzee rehab centre/a local school and the donkey/horse rescue centre.

(BTW ignore the date on the piccy...the **** forgot to set his camera up properly...;))


Fekk me that sounds odd in writing....but it's an awesome project, run by a wonderful woman called Stella Marsden (OBE)......she's worked it so that the school, clinic, donkey sanctuary/vet centre and the tourism that the sanctuary attracts are all self-supporting...our landy shipped all the stuff up river to build the school library (with some Dutch volunteers) and it's all running very well.

I had the chance to be re-united with the landies earlier this year.....both are running better now than when we left the UK in them and I must admit to having a moist moment when I was able to take the series 3 out into the bush with the team I was with....we'd ridden 10 Honda C90's down there, backed up by a Merc Vario truck with about 200k of medical kit on board, but that's another story ;)


Reunited with Boris, our series 3......the grin on my face says it all :D


Anyway, 'nuff talking bollox for now........back to the reason I'm here.......

I'm getting my 110 in a couple of weeks......that, and a rather nice Ifor Williams trailer for dragging the bikes down to Morocco and beyond......I'm new to the tonka toy world of landies so I expect I'll have loads of really stupid questions to ask you lot.......I'll have a read of the FAQ's and have a good old poke of the search button (you do have a search button don't you?? I'll have a look in a minute ;) ) 'cos I know the frustration that a newb asking the most basic of basic questions causes.......

Well that's me.......saying 'ello :D


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