
New Member
Hi All,

All the screws that hold the back seats on the Rangie have broken. We have tried an impact driver on them which broke, we have tried an extractor set on them, which also broke, plenty of WD on them to no avail, wrenches etc all to no avail.

We are completely stuck on what to try next and wonder if anyone on here as any ideas???

Many Thanks in Advance

What kind of Srew extractors did you try to use ? As some are useless.

Easy way is to drill a hole into the old screw remains get a drill which can go in reverse use a small extractor and it should work.

If that doesn't work can you get a pair of nuts on the bottom of the screw/bold ? If so extract it by reverse action.

If not measure the diameter of the screw/bolt drill it out using slightly smaller bit ie if 6 mm dia use 5.5 mm dia drill the remains should then drop out. If this does'nt work then drill to same size and the use Helicoils to replace the drilled hole area.

Most good Fastener suppliers will stock helicoils.

Hope this helps


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