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So has come the time to swap my insurance over from my 1971(J) Petrol Series 2a to my 1982(X) Diesel Series 3. I renewed my policy for the 2a 3 months ago now (stayed with Footman James as it was still the cheapest, despite the rise of 50% over last year!!!) when I did this I asked how much extra/less it would be to swap the policy over the the S3 when the time comes to do some maintainance. Anyway, I was told that it would be a straight swap with £20 charge for administration (pretty good I thought!) not long got off the phone to them and now they're telling me that because of my age (18) they can't insure me on the S3, after 15 mins of frustratingly being passed from pillar to post I was ready to give up, so I asked them why they can't insure me on an 88" diesel S3 yet they can on a 109" petrol 2a, the best (only!) answer I got was "its a bit more sporty" ITS A SODDING LAND ROVER!!!!!!!:doh:
Anyway, rant over, would like to see if anyone else has had this problem, and I'd like to see what Adrian Flux says to this, the first number I rang for insuring the 2a originally was them but they told me I had to be 21 :confused:


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