
New Member
hi, this prob in wrong bit, but im after a exterior sunvisor for ma lightweight, jus wonderd if any one had one kicking around that they after selling. thanks:)
sunvisors look proper on a series ..... cant have one on my 90 tho cos i dont think they do umm .... do they ??
When I first got into Series motors I liked the look of them. They do look kind of period.

Then I discovered greelaning & was glad I didn't fit one! I reckon they'd last about five minutes before being torn orf (though maybe that's just the lanes us T*O*S*S*E*Rs drive!).

Also, apart from the 'look' of them they are a bit pointless. Series screens are that small that I've never been dazzled by the sun when driving. You'd also be fitting yet another part to something that already has less positive aerodynamic qualties than a brick & it wouldn't surprise me if something that shape, fitted there would increase your MPG by a similar amount as a roofrack.

That said, each to their own (unless it's chequer plate!) & they do look good. ;)

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