
New Member
hi there am a totally new to the forum. so hello to everyone.
my name is james de val and i'm in the very very early stages of planning an expedition. the ultimate plan is to travel right across the world. using the most land mass. through europe and russia across the baring straight and down through canada and the states to south america then by sea to northern africa. then back through europe.
now please bear with me i have never done an expedition of this length or any other for that matter. i think with the right team and the right amount of enthusiasm it can be done. if anyone is interested in taking part or has any advice. the aim is to leave some point next year. obviously alot of research and planning has to be done. so if you fancy abit of an adventure then drop me an email
You would be well advised to contact the Royal Geographical Expedition Advisory service. They maintain a database of people waiting to be approached for expeditions. They can also arrange Land Rover training, and expedition first aid too.

Cheers, Paul

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