
Hi All,
I use to drive the local Exmoor RUPP back before NERC came in to action. I had heard some years ago that a lot of these where on there way to becoming BOAT but nothing has ever come of that!

Does any one know of any lanes that are still legal to drive on Exmoor? or can we drive RUPPs/restricted byways that have an open BOAT application on them?

P.S I Live in the Minehead area.
This might be best answered by your local GLASS rep. I used to live in Taunton and used the byway that ran the length of the Quantock hills before NERC put paid to it, but never managed to get as far as Exmoor.
There's not much in the way of legal lanes in the Exmoor area, many RUPPs etc were lost due to them remaining unclaimed and the became restricted byways.

I think it would be difficult to mount a defence to a prosecution for driving 'illegally' on a Restricted Byway on the basis that a valid claim for motor vehicle rights has been submitted.

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