So my 86 110 2.5 petrol defender has a leak on the exhaust at the joint ,so dismantled it ( 4 piece ) as it never hung right. Put it back together properly and now its too short! The back section will not meet the center section due to the big upward bend fouling the frame. I can get it together but the olives joint aren't square and the ear section hangs low. So Either the aftermarket parts are crap or the PO has got some wrongs sections in there some where. Any ideas?

Have you tried rotating the rear section, ?it changes things alot.
Really you need some one helping by holding the tailpipe in the right place with no hangers fixed while you rotate things underneath .
The olive's aren't Bob on on my 110 but they seal fine.
If the exhaust isn't mint, consider just getting a whole new system?
Cheers Flossie.
I fiddled around with it this afternoon. Got it close enough to get a seal. Still not spotty dog so had to put some exhaust putty on. The front and rear section are newer but the middle two are a little older. I'm not happy how the system fits the truck tho. the second front section is sitting on the cross member so sure it will get a hole sooner than later.

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