
New Member
Depending on this weekend's diagnosis, I may turbo the engine in my RR (3.9), so either way, turbo or not, I want to fit new exhausts.
Which ones, from your opinion, would sound good, much like this
I know that's a Chev block, but still, V8 is V8.

Why do you want to Turbo it ? is'nt 200Bhp (ish) enough? To turbo isn't the easiest thing to do (Although if you manage it please let me know)

A good exhaust is the twin sport (Bit pricey but good)

Oh and the block is a Buick 215 (bored out to 3.9)

No, the block in the silver RR is a Chev, but the one in ours is a Buick.
Who makes the twin sport?
And...I know possibly the best mechanic in the county, a precision engineer and a car tuner....shoiuld help

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