
Well-Known Member
gotts ta go down t' shed n back to pick up some logs for the stove.
any suggestions on kit etc i should take wiv me ta make my trip a good un?

any tips on sure vival tekneeks ta keep me alive whilst navigatin the garden path?

gotta small pond out there somewhere so im pretty sure im gonna end up in it at some point.
You dont mention what vehicle you intend to use , we can only advise you if its a Land rover:confused:
laND rover? are you fukin joking?
i will be using my wheel barrow.
what kind of prep work will i need ta do ta the barrow before i go guys?
tyres , engin work , roof tent n stuff.
also , what do frogs n tad poles taste like and can you live on em?
Grease the handles and wipe the bearing clean! or is it the other way round?? Oh well no matter.
laND rover? are you fukin joking?
i will be using my wheel barrow.
what kind of prep work will i need ta do ta the barrow before i go guys?
tyres , engin work , roof tent n stuff.
also , what do frogs n tad poles taste like and can you live on em?
ya want tae paint the barra orange or yellow so the rescue helicopter cn find it
aye , i thought as much , pesky hellicopters, cant see fook all unless its bright orange or yeller.
a culd just moon me lilly white arse at them , if that dunt scare em orf nothin will.

so , i need ta get me barra noticable , wont this have 'rob me' written all over it to the in bred red neck natives?
do i need ta carry security , like a shot gun or summit?
Definitly a summit. nations have been subjugated and continents conquerered using a handfull ov summit.
if i shake ma hand full of summit at the pesky rescue copters will it shoo em away?
do a have ta shake it vigorously?
if i shake ma hand full of summit at the pesky rescue copters will it shoo em away?
do a have ta shake it vigorously?

Aye definitly. And I find the more vigorously yer shake the better it is.:D

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