Hello folks,
I'm an old Rover guy. I have owned classic Range Rovers, for 20 years in California. I moved back to England, for family reasons last year. I always wanted a Series or Defender over there, but they are just too pricey. Anyway, the upside of being here for the wrong reason was ...a Landy! I bought a 2001 which we love, but I found out it's too new to take back home with us. So, I looked for an earlier one. I bought a "numbers matching" LHD 1986 110 on Ebay. It was from a dealer, and I bought it without inspecting it. (Stupid mistake) I checked online and believed there was some protection. Ha! I am due to see this A-hole in small claims court in October to get my money back, fingers crossed. (There is no number on the engine, US customs could seize the vehicle.)
Fast forward to today. I found a replacement, a 1976 Series 3 with the original paint and looks straight. The chassis number is stamped on the foremost, right front spring hanger. The engine number is present. Both match the V5. The chassis plates are screwed to the cab side of the bulkhead, in front of the gear lever? Usually they are riveted? Right? The seat boxes look like they have been replaced, where I have seen them mounted before. Your thoughts, oh valued gurus?


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