
Following the second rusting away of my faithful Montego Estate I still have this fetish for buying British-made cars, always the original BL marques. I couldn't find anything until I spotted this 2001 Forester going cheap (a few dents and scratches) and sitting in it seemed familiar from the old Montego so I bought it.

It wasn't quite as well thought out, lacking a few obvious refinements, so I've now retired it after many miles and noticing a low-mileage, 2006 Freelander outside a dealer. Things are all back in the right place, I don't much miss the lack of a cruise control or the sun-roof. The Montego sun-roof was much better thought out than the Forester anyway.

So I'll be trundling back up a few Welsh hills, principally for maintenance on remote transmitter sites (if it ever stops raining). Some farmers have spent much time and money repairing tracks only to have them washed out again by the incessant rain! Not much bother except for a "domestic" reminder to keep it cleaner!

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