
Never Knowingly Understood
Full Member
Pc R Gibbs of Grays LPT shift B1A has spent Thursday 31st January completing some amazing investigative work and managed to locate a lorry with 2 stolen Range Rivers inside.
We now have 2 happy owners who will be getting their vehicles back. Our thanks to Port of Tilbury Police for their assistance #Investigate#Theft#Thurrock#Partnership


I hope the owners are re-united with their vehicles and the thieves get caught and sent down.
I hope the owners are re-united with their vehicles and the thieves get caught and sent down.

Unless the owners have had their claim settled, then the vehicles are the insurance company’s property, that means they will soon be in a auction room somewhere.
There should be rule that ses the driver of the truck is responsible fer the load. If it's stolen then they and their employer is responsible to a certain extent. Somefink stronger than handling stolen goods. Anyone opening a container and seeing a new range rover looking at them could tell the police and get a reward from the insurance company fer helpin find it before they drive it to the port or out the country.

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