
New Member
Hi everyone, im new to all this green laning and i want to make it my new hobbie. I'm looking at getting a defender 90 and go traveling around the uk( over time obviously)what tips do people have on what to take with me ( camping wise and essentials for my defender, tow ropes ect...) i pretty much know what to do to make it capable to go green laning. Cheers
A second vehicle and someone to drive it.
Read up on it all first on the green laning sticky, about how to find lanes, where you can and can't drive, byways :) restricted byways :( bridal ways :( unclassified roads :) ect.
Join a group of responsible people who know what there doing.

Other than that, some decent tyres AT or MT is a must.

Have fun :)
A few things I would make sure I had on any camping trip, be it on foot or in a vehicle -
Maps of the area you're going to be exploring /staying in (you may know where you're going but do you know where the nearest hospital / doctor, store, pub is in case of emergency?)
Tools (you may need to fashion a quick repair)
First Aid kit ( goes with out saying)
Water (for vehicle and you)
Food ( several stores now sell light weight dried meals - not as bad as they used to be)
Cooking equipment ( stove, pans etc)
Tent ( decent quality for British weather )
Sleeping gear (bag, roll mat etc.. )

Others may add to this list or possible dismiss some of the items :rolleyes:

HTH :)
A few things I would make sure I had on any camping trip, be it on foot or in a vehicle -
Maps of the area you're going to be exploring /staying in (you may know where you're going but do you know where the nearest hospital / doctor, store, pub is in case of emergency?)
Tools (you may need to fashion a quick repair)
First Aid kit ( goes with out saying)
Water (for vehicle and you)
Food ( several stores now sell light weight dried meals - not as bad as they used to be)
Cooking equipment ( stove, pans etc)
Tent ( decent quality for British weather )
Sleeping gear (bag, roll mat etc.. )

Others may add to this list or possible dismiss some of the items :rolleyes:

HTH :)

Just carry lots of tools, spare wheels and spare parts. Take someone along who knows how to use tools and fit spare parts.

Then bin the camping and find a nice pub to stay in :D:D
Well maintained, serviced and set up vehicle for starters. Maps or electronic equivalent as preferred. Hi lift, ropes, shackles, chains and strops for if you do have to self recover, a small strong shovel is handy too. Spare wheel/s, tools to change and a few basic extra tools should be adequate if your vehicle is sound. Good recovery points front and rear, the standard ones are barely up to the job.
It is better to have another vehicle with you, but if you don't, recce ahead on foot if in the slightest doubt!!
Cant advise on the camping option, I usually stay with people if Im not local, or Travelodge if I don't know anyone in the area.
Thanks for the replies! Is it ok to pull up on a lane and set camp? Obviously not blocking the right of way! Can you get green lanes maps on a disc or is it a case of searching for them and then manually inputting into a sat nav?
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Thanks for the replies! Is it ok to pull up on a lane and set camp? Obviously not blocking the right of way! Can you get green lanes maps on a disc or is it a case of searching for them and then manually inputting into a sat nav?

Fairly sure its not legal to camp. The byway itself is legally a highway, and the land either side will be privately owned, in which case you should ask permission, if you can locate the owner! Or it may be common land, which I think camping is prohibited.
OS maps are good, but you should check with the county council ROW officer, or the online Definitive map as well, map info can be out of date.
Green lane section has a number of advice freds, such as the one Paul posted, well worth a read I would say ;)
Wild camping any where other than Dartmoor is illegal anywhere in England and Wales, however in open access areas it is generally tollerated on higher ground as long as you pitch late pack up early, don't have a fire and leave no litter.

Bar the peaks where the farmers often patrol at night, I have been doing it for years without any issue.
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Wild camping any where other than Dartmoor is illegal anywhere in England and Wales, however in open access areas it is generally tollerated on higher ground as long as you pitch late pack up early, don't have a fire and leave no litter.

I am sure you are right about the legalities, but in practice it is fairly common.
Just on the other side of the valley are some laybys on the coast road, and they will have camper vans parked every night through the summer. Same is true of many laybys and waste patches of ground throughout Kernow.
AFAIK no one gets upset at this, as you say, I think they pack up and go fairly early, before the NT wardens are out!

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