
New Member
Hi all,

My 01 TD4 had started to wobble (like the Sunderland defence) whilst idle, so whipped it straight down to the garage. The mechanic plugged it in and the diagnostic machine displayed the fault to be the "Engine Stabilser Controller". I duly left my TD4 with him.

Apart from stating the obvious (it stabilises the engine) can anyone throw some more light on what this is and the likely repair?

All feedback will be greatly received.

i had similar prob with tickover being wobbly and lacking power at low revs
turns out to be blocked/dirty injector

injector cleaner worked for me
i've never heard of the fault code "engine stabilizer control". Anyway, that aside, there are a few common causes which are................

1. Loose/opened up pins on the high fuel pressure sensor
2. low fuel pressure cause by a faulty low pressure pump (I changed about 5 last week!!! cold weather maybe?)
3. Faulty injector(s)
Thanks for the replies.

The mechanic did pull out the injectors and these appeared to be clean.

When I was on the way to the garage, it was tentative when I touched the accelerator at low revs. It almost felt like it was on the verge of stalling. As soon as I floored it, that was when it seemed anything like normal.

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