
New Member
Hi guys.

First of all, hello everybody.
My name is Scott and I drive a Freelander 2.

Sounds like Alcoholics Anonymous.

I have an odd problem with my FL2 HSE. It has stumped the dealers, two of them, because it only happens intermittently, and never when they have it.

Sometimes, after starting the car, the radio is mute. If I twist the volume control, I can see the display show the volume going up and down between min and max. But no sound.
I can change to a CD, AM, FM anything - it just makes no noise. On CD mode, you can see the counter ticking, so its playing, just not making any noise.
If, whilst its in this state, I play with the sat nav, all of the beeps and talking etc play through the speakers as you would expect, so its not as if someone stole all of my speakers overnight!

The fault is cleared by stopping the engine, ejecting the key, then restarting. In other words, a reboot. Simply switching the head unit on and off is not enough.
Sometimes I have to do this a couple of times.

The fault always exists from engine startup. It has never happened whilst driving. This eliminates a loose wire etc.

Whilst I have bluetooth integration, the problem happens even when no phone is paired.

The fault seems to happen quite frequently in the space of a few days and then go away for a few weeks before coming back.

My logical brain is trying to link this therefore to something I would do the same for a few days in a row before changing my behaviour.
Ideas I have had so far:
A particular CD (MP3 maybe) that I have been listening to for the past few days before getting bored of it and changing to another.
A particular, uncompleted, route in the sat nav system (which clearly links to the audio system and has the ability to mute it) which it tries to recompute each time I start the car again.

Completely at a loss here... A big read above, I know.. But ANY ideas appreciated!!!


PS: It's been doing it pretty much since I obtained the car, 2 years ago!
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Sounds like a software 'bug' in the head processor causing intermittent default to mute condition.If the dealer can't reinstall upgraded operating software surely they should be arranging a replacement head unit.

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