
New Member
I would like to drive to russia, through Czech rep. Slovakia, Romania, Ukraine, would like any advice if there are strange laws that can catch you out, etc. essp vehicle related/ Cb radio. Do i get the russian vehicle permit on the border or before? will i need a Carnet de passage?

any help much appreciated thanks, Jimbo90
Have you tried emailing the Embassies of the various countries you'll be travelling through?? Might be a good palce to start.
hi jimbo

Can i ask fella when you are going as this is something that me n my partner have thought about doing for some time now.

Cheers adam
Czech and Slovak republics are part of EU so no problem there really. Romanian border will require a carton of 200 Marlboro Reds and some of Uncle Sams green ones to make sure you get processed quickly. In Russia you cannot take Roubles in or out (but I have a few hundred Roubles at home if you want ;)) and everything is US Dollars. You can only pay in Roubles, but everything is priced in Dollars and an exchange rate posted.

Russia is a great country, but you must be wary, people are either 100% genuine or 100% crook, no in between.
Adam, no plans set in stone yet, hoping for 2009. get the motor finnished and hopefully save up some money. Just looked on the map and thought it would be a good run! wot sorta timescale you on, how long you planing to spend out there. Thought i would start finding stuff out and learning languages now. what motor would you be taking?
Has any one used a Garmin etrex gps, what do you think to em? just want the basic one for lat/long.

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