
New Member
Hi All,

Bit of advice needed.

Got 2500cc V6 Auto Freelander 2001. Been going well, lots of power. Yesterday had to boot the power on to avoid boy racer. Within 400 yards engine management light came on and flashed on off, on off etc. After about mile and when took foot off gas pedal, light went off. Then foot on gas pedal, started flashing again. Off gas pedal, went off, on gas pedal, flashing again. Went to work this morning, first few miles, didn't come on. On way home tonight, came on permenant, off gas pedal went off, back on gas pedal, started flashing. Went like this for about 8 miles, now on all the time. Checked manual = take to stealer 'cos emission problem. Thought bu??er that so disconnected battery for 30 mins (like reboot computer) reconnect battery, still on. Have looked at the RAVE disc. Could it be the purge valve.

Thinking of taking it to independent LR garage nearby for diagnostic. But before I do any tips and advice would be greatly accepted.

Thanks Whitto

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