Hi All
Does anyone know if it is possible to clean the engine and gearbox of my disco in situ ? I have some leeks from hoses and would like to find out where the leeks start so I can fix them mostly around the gearbox and lower part of engine.
Or a good way of cleaning it may be with gunk and presser washer
I have cleaned mine with engine degreaser and presser washer however you have to be very carefull with electric parts, connections. Better to cever them as much as possible before washing.
I was also looking for oil leak on the bottom of the engine but finally turned out that all comes from the front camshaft seal (end cap). The viscous fan blows the oil everywhere and you will see coming it from different areas. Cheap part, was easy to change, no oil since on my engine:)
Brake cleaner in a pump up sprayer, is cheap/simple and doesnt **** any electrics up.
I used Screwfix no nonsense degreaser on mine. I think it's £8 for 5 l and probably has the same stuff in it as the fancy branded ones.

It also dissolves (slowly) the white lines on roads...
I used Screwfix no nonsense degreaser on mine. I think it's £8 for 5 l and probably has the same stuff in it as the fancy branded ones.

It also dissolves (slowly) the white lines on roads...
+1 on this stuff, put it into a spray bottle, can help to rub it in with a dishwasher brush and jetwash off.
i put it in a pump up sprayer, misted the whole engine bay with it neat (no special measures, but its not like i sprayed it in the alternator) and then hosed down
repeated a couple of times, as it was a proper state.

you wont get that shiny alloy look you get with oven cleaner, but then you also wont get the possible issues with it either (oven cleaner is basically caustic soda - alloy goes shiny as it strips the top layer of metal!)

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