
hello I come fix my number 3 suspension and diff problems but need to know engine for part to fix suspension but engine make is all upside down

Man who sold me tell me he put the red engine in. Not original engine. red engine. Need to know what he mean. I buy the number 3 1977 landrover here in australia few year ago.

What it means he put red engine in number 3 1977 landrover. need for put part number to part man in brisbane to get suspension part

thanks you for the responses
I wouldn't think the engine is very pertinent to suspension parts as long as you know if it is diesel or petrol and the capacity of it. Red engine probably means reconditioned. The parts supplier probably needs the chassis number.

ok i call up part place but he was angry I was calling at the night time. But he say that he needs engine type to send suspension to fix model 3 1977. I told him it was a red engine. I google the red engine and I find holding number 173 and i tell him this but he did not understand and to ring back when I can speak english but I already know english

Does holding number 173 red engine mean anything for model 3 landrover 1977. I bought in hervery bay area in queens country if that make any difference. austarlia

ok thank you
I have call part man in brisbane this mroning and he not happy I have bad information for him for engine number. He call chink? what mean chink engine number?

man on here yesterday tell me fcr7065 was engine model number for red engine model 1977 number 3 landrover red engine swapped out. But the part man in brisbane know nothing of this, he told me to come back when I have brain in my head. I dont think I will use him again. I have call place in melburn and leave message with part engine number fcr7065

Need engine number model for suspension part to be shipp in mail becuase part man will not take responsibility for wrong part shipped ok thank you
man on here yesterday say it fcr7065 engine model red engine. You say it cccp model red engine? I will have to go into town later and talk to man at the repco auto place and see waht they say when they look up the books there and ask him about the cccp and fcr7065 engine model red engine number
You probably have a Holden 173 engine, a common conversion in Aus.

Can't see what difference that makes to suspension parts though.

A Holden 173
ohhhh yeah my comment was removed. the mod is actually doing something

I don't mind folk spouting rubbish in AG, it doesn't make anyone but them look silly.

The tech sections are different, deliberately misleading posts will be removed along with the poster if they persist.

If you want to be banned you could just stop logging on, most grown ups realise it amounts to the same thing without having it explained with crayons.

You've edited most of your posts anyway so I'm not sure why you bothered in the first place.
I don't mind folk spouting rubbish in AG, it doesn't make anyone but them look silly.

The tech sections are different, deliberately misleading posts will be removed along with the poster if they persist.

If you want to be banned you could just stop logging on, most grown ups realise it amounts to the same thing without having it explained with crayons.

You've edited most of your posts anyway so I'm not sure why you bothered in the first place.
oh wow you are so manly. like i really give a **** about what you say, you are just the same as the rest.... trolls but wont admit it.
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you have to be one of the worst moderators i have ever come across. trying to be all professional and yet i never see anything real done besides removing a few comments here and there. its making me wonder maybe you are not a mod. as mods will delete whole threads and clean out threads as well. and lastly i hope yous know this zenforo forum has a limit on available data you can use.
you have to be one of the worst moderators i have ever come across. trying to be all professional and yet i never see anything real done besides removing a few comments here and there. its making me wonder maybe you are not a mod. as mods will delete whole threads and clean out threads as well. and lastly i hope yous know this zenforo forum has a limit on available data you can use.

I'm not bad....just lazy :D

We don't have many rules, those we do have most understand are for the benefit of us all as members.

The occasional reminder is generally enough.

I have some colouring books if that helps though I'm not lending you my crayons :p

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