
New Member
Just recently bought a P Reg Range Rover 2.5TD, and while generally happy with it, one thing is really starting to bug me.

On day 2 of ownership, I went to the local shopping centre to get some goodies for the car, and when I got out the doors wouldn't lock, and when I got back in the engine was immobilised. After a spell of panic, the fact that I had taken out RAC membership the day before seem very sensible. The RAC man attended, sent me off to do my shopping, and on my return had got me going again. I should add there was no drivers handbook with the vehicle, and hence no access code...but the RAC man was ex Landrover and used a few contacts to get the code for me. He also told me I was the forth Rangerover he had attended in that particular car park with the same problem in two months.

As the key that came with the vehicle had definitely seen better days, I decided to go and purchase 2 new keys from the local Land Rover dealer. I've got these keys now, but fairly regularly seem to be parking places where the immobilising scenario is replaying itself. The RAC man, suggested its because of the amount of radio waves and security cameras around where I work.

Is this a regular thing for this model of Rangie, or have I got a genuine problem.
hi i have a 2.5 dse n in the yard were i park the remote door lock wont work if i park away from the offices the car locks as normal we have video cams fitted on the car park with monitors in the office next to the car park i wonder ifs it right wat ur man was sayin il try again 2morrow n will keep u posted BIG TONE
Hi, I've just joined this forum having been browsing looking for clues to this very problem. My '98 4.6 HSE has recently developed this exact problem, and from what I can gather we are not alone, it's quite common. The only solution seems to be to go through the Emergency Key Access trick, I now carry a copy of it in the car, the book says not to but, hey what are you going to do? Besides you need the key to carry out the proceadure anyway. I've spoken to one recovery guy and a couple of local independant specialists and they have all mentioned the radio interferance theory, I also saw a posting on an American RR forum were the guy reckoned that anything transmitting at 300 and something mhz could interefer with the works. Mine recently packed up outside a hospital in Glasgow, twice, same place and time on two cosecutive weeks, I thought about X-Ray equipment or something, but it could have been cameras. Who the hell knows realy? The most recent incident was in the middle of the night in George St, Edinburgh; plenty of cameras around there. I also had plenty of drunken Irishmen helping me get it going, which was no bloody help at all but a brilliant laugh:) (we'd been to see them beat Scotland at rugby). I digress; one of the garage guys I spoke to about this problem said he had also had it with some Fords at his place, they push them down the road and the problem goes away!!!! Brilliant!!!!!:)

Best Of British, Yours Aye, Chris Archer.
Common problem, RF entering the system (I have had this problem on six ocassions) parking in close proximity to cell sites.

I have heard of users removing the pick up antenna (fitted in the rear window O/S) this reduces the range of your key tab to about 1 m but reduces the problem of RF from other users

Dutch RR

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