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I've just fitted a 2.5 N/A diesel engine into my series one and thought I'd better do the right thing and inform the DVLA by sending my V5 in with all the changes on. I also provided a receipt for the 2nd hand engine which I bought from a friend of mine who took it out of a 90 prior to fitting a 200tdi. Well today some 7 weeks after I sent my V5 into the DVLA I received a letter from them saying 'For us to update our records you must provide:

- a receipt of purchase on headed paper from a garage confirming engine number, engine size and fuel type for the replacement engine
- an inspection report from an organisation such as the AA or RAC
- an inspection report provided for insurance purposes or
- written confirmation from the engine manufacturer showing engine number and size

This has been fitted at home so I haven't used any garage services. I'm just venting here as I know loads of people who have done similar conversions, sent their V5s in with no supporting evidence and they came straight back. I'm going to ring them in the morning to see if they need all of the above or just one from the list. Anyone else had to do similar?
hope you got it sorted, i think i am going to be faced with the same problem as i have just fitted a 2.5na and it had a perkins 3.3ltr in before, i had read somewere that dvla are asking for confirmation from a garage as to the engine and was it fitted properly, i also have a carawagon that started out as a 6 pot petrol, and when i got it, was fitted with a knackered 2.5 na so swapped it for a v8 petrol but have not yet informed dvla of these changes, i think a lot of people are avoiding updating, let us know how you went on
I've just fitted a 2.5 N/A diesel engine into my series one and thought I'd better do the right thing and inform the DVLA by sending my V5 in with all the changes on. I also provided a receipt for the 2nd hand engine which I bought from a friend of mine who took it out of a 90 prior to fitting a 200tdi. Well today some 7 weeks after I sent my V5 into the DVLA I received a letter from them saying 'For us to update our records you must provide:

- a receipt of purchase on headed paper from a garage confirming engine number, engine size and fuel type for the replacement engine
- an inspection report from an organisation such as the AA or RAC
- an inspection report provided for insurance purposes or
- written confirmation from the engine manufacturer showing engine number and size

This has been fitted at home so I haven't used any garage services. I'm just venting here as I know loads of people who have done similar conversions, sent their V5s in with no supporting evidence and they came straight back. I'm going to ring them in the morning to see if they need all of the above or just one from the list. Anyone else had to do similar?

Had the same problem when I converted my 1983 Series 3 from a 2.25 petrol to a 200TDI. Did all the work ourselves at home, so no paper work!

Sent the log book off and many weeks later they came back with the same response, you only need to do ONE of them options. All I did was got a garage to write me out on headed paper a fake receipt. Sent it to DVLA and a fortnight later the log book came back :) Didn't cost anything either to get the garage to do that!!!
Had the same problem when I converted my 1983 Series 3 from a 2.25 petrol to a 200TDI. Did all the work ourselves at home, so no paper work!

Sent the log book off and many weeks later they came back with the same response, you only need to do ONE of them options. All I did was got a garage to write me out on headed paper a fake receipt. Sent it to DVLA and a fortnight later the log book came back :) Didn't cost anything either to get the garage to do that!!!

Bang on the money mate ...had exactly the same deal with them ....a phone call later confirmed just ONE of the above ....
Few minutes with microsoft ;)....and a quick print,into the envelope and away it went.About a fortnight or so later new loggie turned up all sorted
Hehe Nice one!!.....At least I now know for next time when I send a log book back with an engine change to send some nice headed paper too! ;)
have 2.25 smokey diesel 109 hi cap.gotta go diesel to petrol conversion, live in london`lez`says no diesel, not so worried about dvla, can i make my engine a petrol, convert to 2.5 lr, or japanese, i might be in wrong place on this forum, need your experience, stu
One of my mates had this with an engine change. He owned the vehicle the engine came from, did the right thing, had the standard letter, wrote back saying

1. you are thick, I own the vehicle the engine came from, do I write myself a receipt?
2. Did the work in my own garage
3. Vehicle has been for MOT and is therefore perfectly safe

He recieve the standard letter for a second time, so he wrote again but to the Chief Exec of the DVLA saying his staff were idiots.

Had his new V5c back in 4 days!
have 2.25 smokey diesel 109 hi cap.gotta go diesel to petrol conversion, live in london`lez`says no diesel, not so worried about dvla, can i make my engine a petrol, convert to 2.5 lr, or japanese, i might be in wrong place on this forum, need your experience, stu

Yes you are in the wrong section, this is called hijacking a thread. Do a proper search of the forum for any answers that may be out there, if not, find the right section, start a new thread and write it in a coherent legible manner with as much info as possible!

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