
New Member
I recently had a very unpleasant episode with my Disco 5. The steering rack failed whilst cornering causing me to have an RTA. I claimed on my insurance for body and mechanical repair. 14 weeks in to repair and I am still awaiting return. Very long parts wait from LR (steering rack, suspension arms and subframe). Can anyone advise if I have a legitimate claim against LR as I have excess to pay on my insurance claim and the car is now devalued as it has been in an accident. I understand that this fault has been recognised with other LR models that have been recalled but not the Discovery 5.
The vehicle has covered 28k miles and is 4 months out of warranty.
You need to speak to a real legal expert and be able to
prove a LR fault and not the fact you were driving to fast.
Land Rover parts are difficult to get, almost always on back order, be grateful the repairer isn't using non genuine parts.

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