
New Member
hello everyone new defender 110 owner here with an electrical issue...basically
bought this defender off ebay and had it on the drive unused for a week and the battery drained by something in the vehicle unknown to me now without the keys in the ignition all the electrics still work ie the fuel amount still shows on the gauge the battery amount and the lights washer and heater all still work hense the battery drainage any ideas?
are there any extras in there like a sound system? amp? CB?.. anything like that?

my amp was draining my battery every night even though it has a remote wire.

Id expect the lights to work without ign. But not some of the other stuff. Especially not the heater. Sounds like something is wired incorrectly.

You're gonna have to start pulling fuses I think (there have been many threads on how to do these checks). Also, put your rough location in your profile in case anyone local can lend a hand.

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