
New Member
Dear all, can I pick your brains..

In the last week, the steering wheel controls to the Radio have stopped working. Initially intermittent, but now completely stopped... Now my SRS airbag light has come on... Is this linked to the steering wheel or a control module behind the wheel??

Forgive my ignorance, I know nothing about electrics at all... I have not managed to get a diagnostic on it yet.. Will get that done at a mates on Sunday with any luck which will hopefully give me an idea, but does this ring any bells with any of you Hard disco owners??


My money is on the rotary coupler... if u will end up replaceing it disconnect battery both leads(neg. first) 10 minutes before u start to work
Are they expensive?? Cant see any on ebay and are they easy to fit?? as in do I need to remove the steering wheel and airbag?

Well, I know you said they are expensive, I did not realise how much. £180 for the rotary coupler!!!!!!! :-O

My stupid fault for spinning the steering wheel when changing the steering box!

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