Morning chaps,

Some advise, I have interference through the top speaker in the passenger rear door, I am guessing that speaker is part of the individual amplifier in the doors? Only happens on this speaker and only recently, the stereo is aftermarket and has been in there for some time. It does have an autoleads box behind the radio taking the phono leads from the original stereo to work what ever that needs to work. It's an HSE model with the bass and cd unit in the boot, bass works but the cd multi changer does not which I guess happens to all when original stereo is removed.
Any idea to what it may be gratefully received

Depends if it has the HK door amplifiers, or the DSP system in the boot.
  1. If HK door amplifiers, then suspect door grounding or one of the balanced audio wires has failed. Most likely corrosion in the connectors in Left front footwell, as these feed both left doors.
  2. If DSP then wiring between Autoleads adapter and the DSP. Most likely a bad splice, or damp in the boot connectors.

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