The Hick

Apologies if this has been covered before but I cant seem to find owt that answers my particular question.. Av just finished welding a new front end onto a 96' 3 door disco and after a coat of paint the front end is looking pretty to follow on another fred) Now he's eyeing up a set of electric, heated leather seats from my old ES..
I know the seat bases/brackets are totally different but am not bad at fabin' and I reckon I've got that sussed- its the loom which baffles me. The dash and console is already out (it was curling up..turning into a 'full resto', this is!!) and I can see in the farmer spec 3 door we already have wiring for 4 electric windows (which it obviously didn't have) but nowt for the leccy seats. My question is, can I just take the 'seat part' of the loom from the ES (a 97 300) and plug it into the fuse box (or some empty plugs?)of the 3 door or do I need to start chopping and splicing wires into the main loom?
Any help would be much appreciated as I don't fancy setting it alight after all the welding and painting- ill let you know how I get on with the frames + piccies and everything.
I doubt it. I would expect to do some additional wiring mods to be able to have fully functional electric seats.
Had the full dash loom out the ES and av decided its beyond me.. Dont wanna **** about too much with the loom as its as yet an unmolested non-buggered-about with car. Plan is now to mount the leather seats on the 3 door frames and runners, lose the motors underneath and just find live to run the backrest back and forward. The slide will be manual.. I'll get em in.. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow and definitely not soon....
Just to update.. Seats are in.. Easy peasy really- just drilled out the pins on the brackets on which the seats adjust for height, opened them up an knocked in some angled ally channel. Bolted this up where the pins were and dropped whole lot ont a piece of 5mm ally checker plate. Then just bolted this to the old tilting seat bases. Moved the backrest motors slightly. and wired em to the spare window switch in the console. Looks great (and didn't catch fire!)

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