For a while my battery has been going flat if left for more than a day without use, this I thought was down to leaving the boot light on by accident etc, however over the last 5/6 weeks I have also had trouble starting the car having to leave it a good ten seconds after the glow plug light had gone off then it would generally fire up 9/10 times if not I kept cranking with my foot down then eventually it would fire up. This made me think it was possibly a fueling issue as the pump likes to wine (assume it is a pump located in the tank as this is where the noise is coming from). However today I have tested for current/power drains and discovered the fuse which controls the power seats at the front was happily drinking away the battery juice for no apparent reason, so have now left the fuse out (FL5 or FL6 from memory located under the bonnet). Prior to removing this fuse I removed what I can only assume are relays of some description both yellow and located underneath at the front of the two seats and these both reduced the current drain by equal amounts so confused me surely both cannot be faulty? Any help to resolving this issue/s would be gratfully appreciated.
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