
Active Member
I think ive done the stupidest thing ive done in my life.
Had fob battery warning all day, knew i had new batteries at home so didnt worry. got home Locked car, 2 hours later remembered in need to change batteries, changed them, went to car not responding to remote, unlocked it with key, alarm going off went to get EKA from handbook and ive not got the EKA!
What do i do now apart from ring the scrapyard ?
I think ive done the stupidest thing ive done in my life.
Had fob battery warning all day, knew i had new batteries at home so didnt worry. got home Locked car, 2 hours later remembered in need to change batteries, changed them, went to car not responding to remote, unlocked it with key, alarm going off went to get EKA from handbook and ive not got the EKA!
What do i do now apart from ring the scrapyard ?

Dealer should be able to tell you the code as long as no-one has changed the BECM etc.
Will it not resynch the fob? Think you unlock with the key and press unlock or put it in the ignition barrel and it autosyncs depending on the year. Something like that.

Mozz Smith is your best bet here, I think.
Will it not resynch the fob? Think you unlock with the key and press unlock or put it in the ignition barrel and it autosyncs depending on the year. Something like that.

Mozz Smith is your best bet here, I think.

Phew !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for the lead Grrrrr, Turn driver doorlock to unlock and held it there til the alarm light deactivated, then put the key in the ignition, hey presto all the other doors unlocked, turn igition and it warned "Alarm activated" and it started.
Turn off and its sync'd itself, just done the same with the spare key and thats working now.
Shat myself when i realized i havent got the EKA, i'll be getting onto the dealer on Monday.
Phew !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for the lead Grrrrr, Turn driver doorlock to unlock and held it there til the alarm light deactivated, then put the key in the ignition, hey presto all the other doors unlocked, turn igition and it warned "Alarm activated" and it started.
Turn off and its sync'd itself, just done the same with the spare key and thats working now.
Shat myself when i realized i havent got the EKA, i'll be getting onto the dealer on Monday.

Don't go to those c*nts in Chester, they charged me £10 + vat, should be free. :mad:

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