
Active Member
I've just figured out that the mystery oily lump hanging off the side of the carb is (or was) an EGR valve. The exhaust manifold has clearly been changed at some stage, because it's not connected, just a bunged hose.

But it's a future source of problems (the valve itself is clearly broken, with a big steel washer jangling merrily), so the whole mess is heading binwards, and the plug to the inlet is getting bunged, together with the vac take-off on the air filter trunking.

I'm presuming there's no downside here to be aware of...?

(1980 s3 2.25 petrol, 3brg)
Piccie tomorrow...

It's this setup.
I've had a better poke around the EGR, and tried to remove the upper bits. The throttle dashpot, 596384, is well attached to something in the throttle linkage, round the back of the carb. So it's staying for the mo.

The Landy's sat around unused a LOT, 15yrs of the last 20, so it probably won't hurt to pull the carb and give it a new set of diaphragms at some stage. We'll see what it runs like.

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