
is there any problems involving changing a 3.5 v8 efi to run on carbs? is it just a matter of taking the injectors etc of and fitting the carbs then plugging the injector holes in the heads
I think the injector holes are in the manifold and you would need a manifold that fits the carbs.
ive got the lot manifould carbs just need fitting. but is ita just a case of taking one off and putting the other on? or do you have change/mod anything else?
its ok people saying why dont you do this and that and put this that and the other on the engine but my landy is for me like it is for alot of people just atoy and weekend car to have fun in, and plus i dont have the no how in how to sort out my EFI system or the money to pump into it by adding things like megasquirt etc. so im going to cut my loss and put carbs onto my V8.
Ive been asking for help with my EFI V8 for around 3 months and got nothing back. ive been calling around and asking for help from specilaist like JE who was help full but still i cant get it to fun. I was told to call RPI as they speclise in V8's but the guy that i spoke to was so rude it was unreal from the min he got on the phone. I would and will never deal with RPI.
As far as I know , and I am only just getting to grips with this myself, with hotwire the ecu has to send a signal to the coil to give it power but apart form that the spark side of things is seperate , not sure about the fuel pump as it will be running a higher pressure than on carbs and then like I siad its manifold and carbs put on and all plumbing. you can only try if ts a toy it doesnt matter!

Chillax dude lol:D
Suprised at RPI's response, I've found them helpful in the past. As has been suggested you will need a suitable fuel pump for carbs as the efi item is a high pressure unit.
well ive got hold of some carbs and manfold and is now fitted. i just need to sort out the fuel pump and see if she will go. Though i think im going to either convert the carb with the choke on as its got a horrid auto choke fitted or fine one with a manual choke ok. (anyone got one lol)


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A lot of knowledgable people will tell you that EFi is faaaar more reliable than carbs will ever be.

I know that doesn't help in your situation since you can't get the thing to run in the first place but if it was me I'd be sticking with the EFi. It took me the best part of a year to diagnose a swapped sensor plug but I wasn't really trying. The car just plain refused to start when hot even though a gem from cold. When I went at it properly last month it only took minutes with the help of RAVE and the ETM.

If I was in your situation I would start from scratch in a systematic fashion checking every single part in order starting with the order of the spark leads all the way through to the wiring of the sensor plugs. You need 4 things to be right, spark, compression, timing and fuel. Isolate and prove the integrity of each before you replace the EFi.

It would be a killer to change over to carbs to find it still didn't start and you're actually now in a worse situation since you don't know if it's still the original problem or someting wrong you've done with the carb set up.
ive changed it over now so its carbs all the way now. The EFI was totaly out of my know how. im wanting to use my Landy for experdtions so i feel that it would be alot easer to sort any probelms, sorce any parts when in remote countrys. your right it is a shame that it came to taking of the EFI system but im getting were im running out of time knlowage and most of all money, pluss when ever i ask for help either on hear face to face they just suck there teeth at me and say " fuel injection i have no idea"
Obviously I'm too late now, sorry about that, I tend to drop in and out of the forum for weeks at a time depending on work load and wifes humour :)

But here's a great link for fuel injection for the Rover V8

Fuel injection

I might have some carb stuff (I definitely have it in hard copy somewhere but I'm moving house at the moment) buried on the hard drive, I'll look later
cool thanks alot. i have the Land rover EFI Manual that tells you all you needed to know. Not that it helped me lol
ive not realy tryed it starting in properly though ive had one got a starting it and there was a splutter there more than i got from the EFI. Ive only as got as far as fitting the carbs as i was running out of light and i had enough for the day.
It should be ok on a MOT its in a 86 landy so thats before they need to have cats fitted etc and since its a stolen recoverd vehical and im rebuilding it will still be down as a 2.5N/A and i can what engine it has for the V5 for the MOT. But all that will be sorted when it gets its VIC check done. All i want no is to get the sodding thing running lol

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