
New Member
Anyone heading to Eastnor on 9 and 10th of June? I quite fancy the off-road course but don't want anything too extreme as I've spent enough money getting it back up to good nick. Anyone tried it? I'll be camping if anyone fancies a beer or joining our team in the quiz on sat night...
9th and 10th of June I'll be at the Aldham show. If you kept am eye on Heidi's Web you'd already know that ;)

I'm sure you'll have lots of fun at Eastnor though :)
There are usually 3 courses....the Freelander..(hairdressers course).....the nice and easy with a couple of steep slopes course....(non damaging).....and the extreme course........which aint that extreme....but you are only allowed if your truck looks 'off road prepared'....all quite tame really......just book it......if you aint done it before its worth a go.....i've done it loads of times.....just up the road from me....and i've never had a scratch on my truck...its marshalled so the guys will stop you and tell what gear to be in etc if you're new to it.....have a might like it.
As for joining you for a beer.........i'm certainly up for that.....tho i aint camping........unless i'm ****ed......i'll kip anywhere.....and as for the quiz......if i'm still there......i'll be ****ed......!!!

Not much use really....

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