
New Member
the dredded eas fault again . had it come on before all the lights flashed and suspension rose to max level and locked there , the pump under the bonnet was burning hot and could hear it still running in an out ,
just had new dunlop air bags fitted all round , and still i get the same fault ,,, should the pump get red hot ? if not is it the thermal cut out knackered or a valve sensor gone down ? or at worst the pump shot ?
I experienced a similar fault recently were I parked the car and got out to notice suspension at full height and the compressor was still running. It just turned out to be a sticking relay for the compressor. I would check that out before you start replacing anything as its quick and easy.
The thermal cut out should switch the pump off when it gets too hot to protect it.

Have you got any additinoal dodgy looking wiring in your EAS box? I've just compared mine to a mate's this morning and we've concluded that the thermal cut out has been bypassed on mine. Luckily it doesn't get that hot at the moment though.

kj its in your fuse box under the bonnet, looking from the front of your car its the, first relay on the right of the fuse box..
Hi... I have the same issue.

I was driving along and the dash beeped at me, showed me an EAS fault and all the lights came on the height setting selector on the dash.

The car is stuck in the up position.

I've checked the fuse, the relay and physical looked at and sprayed all the height sensors with WD40 and electrical cleaner. No difference.

My pump doesn't switch on as i) I cant hear it (neither can the wife with an ear to the bonnet) and ii) its stone cold.

Replacement pump needed? and will the pump actually run if the EAS fault is showing on the dash and lights on?
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JWaldron, you need to read the faults. If you can use a computer and have a laptop, download the free EAS software from www.rswsolutions.com buy or make a cable and find out what the problem is. If the car is up and in a fault condition the pump will not run methinks.
Sounds like a height sensor has gone to me .....when parked up on the road the EAS SHOULD drop the car to the Lowest Height sensor.(There-by "Levelling" the Vehicle)

As Data said you really need the RSW softwear & lead to diagnose what fault is causing the problem
This very thing happened to one of ours today. Beep x 3, EAS fault and all the lights on. One of the rear bags has been leaking slightly previously and would settle at the back. Now it seems high at all four corners. The pump was hot but cooling fine now and all fuses and relays are ok. Today's run was just on 100 miles and it was warmish outside. Any further thoughts or is it Testbook time?
.........Oh, and was going around a long downhill bend at the time whilst pulling an empty trailer. Could have been tricky! (If you know the M90 at Balmanno, you'll know what I mean.)
Hi... I have the same issue.

I was driving along and the dash beeped at me, showed me an EAS fault and all the lights came on the height setting selector on the dash.

The car is stuck in the up position.

I've checked the fuse, the relay and physical looked at and sprayed all the height sensors with WD40 and electrical cleaner. No difference.

My pump doesn't switch on as i) I cant hear it (neither can the wife with an ear to the bonnet) and ii) its stone cold.

Replacement pump needed? and will the pump actually run if the EAS fault is showing on the dash and lights on?

If the suspension is stuck at full height, it's not self leveling so not using air, therefore no need for the pump to run.
Could be the driver module but you really need to read the faults
Guys... Update.

I had the soft fault sorted by plugging into Eas software. The front Px and Driver side were out by a number of clicks. 120 px against 128 Driver side I think. The Guy pulled the 128 down to 126 and the system has been working fine for a past few days. It also had an undinterminal hight somwhere - don't know where.

Then today. It attmpted to go into Access mode from std hight after I told it too.. however. She droped to what seamed to me like access, but the std light was solid and access flashing. Hense I thought she was not fully getting into Access. I pressed the switch once more to take her back to std and left her alone to do some shopping.

When I came back, she started - the car leveled out as normal and was fine. About 20miles up the road EAS fault flshed up and xmas lights again (soft fault I though) and she was happy drviing along in std hight.

Parked up when I got home. Went back to the car - started to take the dogs to the beach and again - leved out as normal.

I must say that since the reset early week- the car has been very very quick to rise and fall... so I'm not looking at a faulty pump (I think).

BUT - Wen I got the beach (about 20miles again) this time when I stoped - she lowered herself down. and now gives me a EAS fault (on the bumps) 35max speed.

Thinking about these two occurances... What are peoples thoughts??

Previous sugestions have been Hright sensors... but I have resisted as they are £50-60 per corner and as far as I can tell are corner specific. If I get the wrong one thats £50 down the drain. Plus can I swop the older ones (wire to plug) with newer ones (plug direct from sensor)?

I have the cable on order off ebay. awaiting arrival. Although the gaurage didn't charge for the plug in last time (should have been £25 squid) - I don't want to spend £25 this time if this kind of thing is going to happen in future (and from reading forums etc- it will).. so I htought £30 investment at this stage may be better.
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When I rebuilt my EAS system I did have a few problems with it finding a "mind of it`s own". It would choose to select high or access at will; I believe it was due to moisture contamination of the electrics. (long story, ain`t got typo skills to expand). Have you got any water around connections? control modules? been squirting hose etc under the bonnet?
That may explain the random mode changes; but 35 mph message is possibly a seperate fault:have you got the rswsolutions unlock suite yourself, or did you go to a garage for the unlock before? Hope you are familiar with Storey Wilson`s site, if not prepare for a few hours study!
When I rebuilt my EAS system I did have a few problems with it finding a "mind of it`s own". It would choose to select high or access at will; I believe it was due to moisture contamination of the electrics. (long story, ain`t got typo skills to expand). Have you got any water around connections? control modules? been squirting hose etc under the bonnet?
That may explain the random mode changes; but 35 mph message is possibly a seperate fault:have you got the rswsolutions unlock suite yourself, or did you go to a garage for the unlock before? Hope you are familiar with Storey Wilson`s site, if not prepare for a few hours study!

Cable is in the post... so will know more early week. I had been on the sand dunes so may have taken a bad sensor out of range or somthing?? I may have to take them off to check them but I don't know how to.
Removal of height sensors is covered in RAVE. But read and re-read about the EAS before playing with anything! The system is excellent when working well but I think others would agree that some of the problems seen on this forum come from bodged repair attempts. The EAS is (now) diy-able, thanks to Storey Wilson and others, but is certainly not to be pulled apart "blind".
It sounds to me like it's a height sensor problem. You will get the answer when you plug in the EAS suite.
Removal of height sensors is covered in RAVE. But read and re-read about the EAS before playing with anything! The system is excellent when working well but I think others would agree that some of the problems seen on this forum come from bodged repair attempts. The EAS is (now) diy-able, thanks to Storey Wilson and others, but is certainly not to be pulled apart "blind".

Hear, Hear. Trying to repair things on the cheap, when you have not got the remotest idea what you are doing, IS the main cause of many posts on here. Tinkering is a big problem if you don't know what your tinkering with. Someone said, "A little knowledge is a dangerous thing". No knowledge at all, leads to many a disaster. Unfortunatly buying a complicated vehicle, then without any mechanical knowledge trying to repair it, from sometimes spurrious advice is not the best way to go.
Guys... I hear what you are all saying.

Once this able arives... I'll be plugging it in (got the software readu on the laptop). I'll probably have to post again to see about tracing the fault.

Just finished fitting a hotfix and started her up to test the fix and she pumped herself up off the stops!... very wired in deed. I've now inhibited the system just by pressing the inhit switch on the dash... I assume this will prevent lowering to access?
It`s in the owner`s manual and RAVE. The inhibit switch merely stops the AUTOMATIC selection by the vehicle of different height settings. e.g. if switch locked in, the car will remain at height chosen by you with the rocker switch; so if you choose access it will remain there when you release brakes so you can get in `n` out of garages, if towing and normal ht is selected it won`t drop to m-way mode over 60kph, altering tow ht. So, with inhib. switch locked in yes you can select "access"
P.S. If you select "wading" it will override your choice if it considers your speed too high. The thing would roll like dinghy if you threw it round corners on high!

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