rangey mike

New Member
Can anybody help me? I think ive dropped a bollock lol. Gearing up to change my bags, so i thought i would spray everything with soapy water. I then found a good leak in the valve block, at the front.

Cutting to the chase, she was sitting on her butt. I opened the drivers door and tail gate, went under the bonnet and disconnected ther air lines removed compressor and lifted valve block out. I had read on a site the bolts cam come loose at the front end of the valve block, where my leak was coming from. Sure enough they were quite loose hense my leak. I proceeded to put back together.

Gues what she cant get off her butt. I have an eas kicker lite plugged that in, everything appeared normal. Compressor is running and getting warm.

I dont fully understand whether i have created a hard fault and the eas kicker will not clear them.

My ride height lights are normal ie no xmas tree and no beep beep beep.

So i have hunted high and low for an answer, but am not sure about manual over ride as this was on a petrol and mines a diesel, dont want to make the situation worse.

So its over to you more knowledgable gents.

Thanks in advance, Mike
Can anybody help me? I think ive dropped a bollock lol. Gearing up to change my bags, so i thought i would spray everything with soapy water. I then found a good leak in the valve block, at the front.

Cutting to the chase, she was sitting on her butt. I opened the drivers door and tail gate, went under the bonnet and disconnected ther air lines removed compressor and lifted valve block out. I had read on a site the bolts cam come loose at the front end of the valve block, where my leak was coming from. Sure enough they were quite loose hense my leak. I proceeded to put back together.

Gues what she cant get off her butt. I have an eas kicker lite plugged that in, everything appeared normal. Compressor is running and getting warm.

I dont fully understand whether i have created a hard fault and the eas kicker will not clear them.

My ride height lights are normal ie no xmas tree and no beep beep beep.

So i have hunted high and low for an answer, but am not sure about manual over ride as this was on a petrol and mines a diesel, dont want to make the situation worse.

So its over to you more knowledgable gents.

Thanks in advance, Mike

Either the compressor is not making any pressure, or you still have a major leak. Check by taking the blue pipe off the compressor, start it up put a finger over the end, you should not be able to hold the pressure, if you have no pressure the compressor is shagged. If you have pressure, leave a door open with the engine running for 15 minutes to fill the reservoir tank, shut the door if if it rises all is OK, it still doesn't rise you have still got a major leak:eek:
Nice one Datatek, two probs ive had and you have been straight on the case, you are quickly becoming my Hero lol. I did leave the door open for twenty mins when i first tried. I am now off outside to remove blue pipe. Ill be in touch Lol. Thanks for your help
Its official I am a a complete knobber lmao. Checked my blue pipe all ok. Not making sense now me thinks:wtf:. Recheck what i have done, What a charlie forgot to put pipe back in under the exhaust filter lmao:doh:. Let her run for 15 mins, shut the door and she rose up as quick as my racing snake:D
But hey, the man who never made a f**k up never made f**k all, and i am out there having a go, which isn't a bad thing.

Thanks to all you fella's and all your input into this site, it gives me the confidence to have a go:amen:
Its official I am a a complete knobber lmao. Checked my blue pipe all ok. Not making sense now me thinks:wtf:. Recheck what i have done, What a charlie forgot to put pipe back in under the exhaust filter lmao:doh:. Let her run for 15 mins, shut the door and she rose up as quick as my racing snake:D
But hey, the man who never made a f**k up never made f**k all, and i am out there having a go, which isn't a bad thing.

Thanks to all you fella's and all your input into this site, it gives me the confidence to have a go:amen:

Well done, would that all problems were so simple:D:D:D
Full marks for getting stuck in. I also found plugging the driver pack back into the valve blocks helps alot.

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