
Active Member
Does anyone have an early 90 or 110 with the bonnet that has two square pad instead of rubber cone buffers?
I have one of these type and need to know what safety catch was fitted to stop the bonnet flying up if not shut correctly. It has a bracket with two holes where the modern three bolt safety catch would be.
Photos and or part numbers would be a great help.
was the safety catch not part of the bonnet release catch on early 90s ie leaver to release bonnet second ,catch then move leaver over again to lift bonnet all done through front grill like series lanny s
was the safety catch not part of the bonnet release catch on early 90s ie leaver to release bonnet second ,catch then move leaver over again to lift bonnet all done through front grill like series lanny s
Exactly right.
Like this:
bonnet release.JPG

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