
New Member
I am currently converting a 110 Hardtop into a bit of an overnight camper van and am in the process of looking at the sound proofing. I have got dynamite to start getting rid of some of the panel noise but was wondering if any knew whether you should overlap each sheet a little. Mainly thinking about any moisture getting trapped in the gaps between the sheets.

Any other insulation advice greatly received!!
Dynamite will certainly get rid of the panel noise as well as. Most of the landy!!!
Dynamite will certainly get rid of the panel noise as well as. Most of the landy!!!

LMAO, gotta love spell check. Not to get off topic but dude buys a new Toyota Prius.

He texts his Mom "Hey Mom, I got me a new Prius, wanna go for a ride"
His Mom asks, what the hell has gotten into you Steven, that's just sick and disgusting.
Not a joke, he actually took snaps of his phone with the convo and uploaded it for all to see.

You can figure what the spell check on his phone replaced Prius with :)

Back on topic, Dynamat will help quite a lot with panel vibration, installed it many times on autos with high end audio systems.
When I fitted a new audio system to my Freelander I looked into using Dynamat to reduce panel vibration. After recommendation from a few ICE forums I ended up going to Unipart and getting a similar product from Brown Brothers. Not sure if it's still available but it rated well against Dynamat at a fraction of the price. Installation is the same, warm it up to make it easier, adhesive backing and use a wallpaper roller to stick it.

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