Len Drover

New Member
i've just inherited a duel fuel seris 2 and i have been told it is a duel fuel engine. the last owner told me it need snew sparkplug other wise it will only run on petrol. can anyone tell me where i can get duel fuel sparkplugs so i can run on desil. btw why this is a wondrful and helpful site. hope i vcan help yous one day
jingss! wheess! helpmaboab! are we back onto deesil sparkplugs again?? help please bring in the entry test!!!
Yes chap yer a diamond geezer, anyway YD please excuse me when I say,
Len, feck off chap, it's old hat and it's been done before.

fat lot of help thisd place is iask a serious question and get dogs abuise for my trouble. i repete it is duel fuel it has two filler caps
Len Drover said:
excuse me mr pegdon but i can assure you that it is a duel fuel engine so don't tell me to ferk off

.....and the man with no brain briefly dips his toes in the waters of reason then happily returns to frolic on insanity beach.

Regards WP.

I am genuinely shocked that a new poster has been ridiculed by other members. If you can't post to new members something nice or constructive then don't bother - taking the **** out of members you know is fair game and amusing for us all.

I eagerly await any flames.
on duel fuel diesel engines the gas is ignited by injecting a small amount of diesel as well as the gas which means the engine doesn't run purely on gas

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