
New Member
Hi, has anybody had the following problem?
Suddenly last week with no warning my p38 began misbehaving.
When cold in the mornings it fires up then immediately cuts out and is a pig to start afterwards. When it does start it runs beautifully all day and doesn't fail to start until the next day.
I have replaced fuel filter, glow plugs and coolant temp sensor.
In-tank pump is fine.
Any ideas anyone?
Thanks in anticipation.
The problem you have got is fuel running back.
To check this lift the bonnet, and while you watch the clear plastic pipe from the filter on the nearside down to the pump, get somebody else to turn on the ignition. (you may have to turn the ignition on and off a couple of times, each time leaving it on fror about 15-20 secs) If you see bubbles of air and fuel running from the filter down to the pump it is definetly fuel running back.
Now check the rubber leak off pipes across the top of the injectors. If any of them look damp or diesel stains running from them, that is possibly the problem, air is getting in there and letting the fuel run back. Also, check no4 injector, this is a sensor injector with wires going into it. The seal around the wires sometimes leak and let air in. You will see a wet stain around it, you can have the car running while you do this. I hope its just the leak off pipes because the sensor injector is expensive.
Good luck.
Thanks. Replaced the leak off pipes on Thursday (although they looked ok with no signs of leaking) and so far so good.

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