
New Member
Hi All, I have a 2016 DS with a snapped timing chain. Took car in to Dick Lovett who have inspected and confirmed the snappage, but are not sure what damage this may have done. They have quoted £12,000 - £15,000 for a new engine. I have approached various online companies who've quoted me a fair bit less (£4-5K region) but in all honesty I wasn't sure I trusted them! This gut feeling wasn't helped by a call to another Land Rover specialist who seemed adamant it couldn't be done for less than £10K (+ VAT). Looking at the value of the car if the engine were okay, looks like it is only worth £8,000. I know this seems like a no-brainer, but as it seems like such an expensive car to go so dramatically down the drain I just wanted to see if anyone had any advice please? My current thinking is not doing the engine and selling the car for parts, in which case what kind of money should I be looking for and where's best to advertise it? Many thanks in advance and HNY!
There are 2nd hand engines on ebay for 1500++ also recon ones with warranty from 3.5k & fitting available.
Be careful of the 'recon' engines - a lot of them are cheaply done, better to either:-
a. Cut your losses - get another vehicle.
b. get an engine from an accident damaged vehicle.

Option a. - painful, but look at the time you'll be off the road + costs to repair
Option b - this is what everyone is after, so costs will be higher than a bodged recon. - you also don't know what condition it will be in so it would be wise to replace the timing chain anyway - more cost, but it means you won't get caught again, unless the compression is down... which you won't be able to check until fitted...

How attached to the car are you - and how much would you spend to maintain that attachment?
There's a scam recondition company on the web. Avoid them. They pretend to be other comoanies and at different locations. Search the web for sunbeam engine scam.
Thanks for all your input, appreciated. Definitely not going to keep this car! Fairly sure the best answer is to get rid of it as is - i.e. in need of a new engine. A real shame but not really in a place to be taking any chances with the new engine, which sounds like a real minefield to me.

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