
New Member
Am planning on a drive to Australia leaving in May with my wife and young family (ok it sounds mad even as I type it) and looking to raise money for cancer (prevention!). Reading through a multitude of books and currently have some very helpful friends helping me source and spec up a 110. Anybody know anyone who has done this (or at least into China) that I could be put in contact with? Have a list of things to take but would be keen on seeing other peoples lists and getting a few tips and bits of advice on visas/places to go/avoid, must haves, best insurance deals, vehicle security and other stuff. Any help much appreciated!

pm me what you need to know about both china and australia...

My malaysian off roading friends run expedition tours into china almost yearly....and I'd planned to go round australia many years ago (about 10....hahaha)...but i still have some friends scattered around in different states..
I'm going to do a trip soon, and i was recommended to buy Sahara Overland by Chris Scott, its just arrived and i cant put it down, helpful even if not going to the Sahara, very clever guy.
Which charity are you supporting?
Brilliant - ok will wing you something now. busaboy - have approached Macmillan Cancer Support. Might get that if I get a chance - just seen the reviews although if I end up in the Sahara I'm in trouble!
I'm probably only doing Africa really, if its Macmillian then let me know if you need a hand with the truck. Where are you based?
two of my uncles did this trip in the late 60's both were robbed, beaten and threatened with shooting or worst on numerous occasions. you really want to think about this as this is diffinatly not the best time for such a trip. these nutjobs will not have second thought about porking you, yer missus and yer kids before lopping yer heads off. and making off with all yer worldly goods. By all means go ahead but your going to have to try and find a safe route past the loonies which will not be easy.
two of my uncles did this trip in the late 60's both were robbed, beaten and threatened with shooting or worst on numerous occasions. you really want to think about this as this is diffinatly not the best time for such a trip. these nutjobs will not have second thought about porking you, yer missus and yer kids before lopping yer heads off. and making off with all yer worldly goods. By all means go ahead but your going to have to try and find a safe route past the loonies which will not be easy.

PAH I've seen worse on a week night in Hull City centre and As for Weekends,:eek: It makes that lots seem like a walk in the park.
PAH I've seen worse on a week night in Hull City centre and As for Weekends,:eek: It makes that lots seem like a walk in the park.
what.???? yer get rogered by some bearded bloke with crazy eyes while another is slowing cutting yer head off with a 2ft machete
.....were robbed, beaten and threatened with shooting or worst on numerous occasions. .... these nutjobs will not have second thought about porking you, yer missus and yer kids before lopping yer heads off. and making off with all yer worldly goods. .

Come on Slob, stop beating around the bush. This is most unlike you. Tell 'im what its really gonna be like
Come on Slob, stop beating around the bush. This is most unlike you. Tell 'im what its really gonna be like
ave bin in some scarey places, had guns pointed at me head, bin in the vicinity of exploding bombs and had a few ' oh well this is it moments' and i wouldn't even think about doing what hes planning specially not with a wife and young family. course we could all sit back and say ' good on yer mate hope you enjoy your wonderful overland trip. I wish i had the chance to met all those nice friendly folk you'll come across'
or we could get him to seriously think about the danger hes puting himself and his family in. and if he still thinks it worth it then go do it.
if i was him i'd fly out to oz and then buy the equipment there and do the full tour but keep off the beaten track. i did this some years ago and spent 8 months or so living in the back of a panel van. biggest danger was remembering that crocs can move fast and you don't always see them. oh and the redback spiders is the outback showers.. didn't see one crazyman intend on lopping me head off nor was i gang raped by a bunch of generic pooftahs, much to my relief.

the main problem is the hornets nest the yanks have stirred up between egypt and russia, to avoid it yer gonna have to go north of the black and the caspian seas, north of afghanistan and the like . which will leave you having to traverse the himalayas. not an easy option at all.
what.???? yer get rogered by some bearded bloke with crazy eyes while another is slowing cutting yer head off with a 2ft machete

Well not the rogering but the machete wielding nutters are quite common.
Well not the rogering but the machete wielding nutters are quite common.
have yer seen the news? it seems the roads around hull have come to a standstill at around 17:50 this evening. this was due to dozens of gaylanders that were heading towards hull trying to perform three point turns.
Thanks for the offer Busaboy - live near Purley but still looking to source a vehicle. Had a long conversation with Daniel "Lonewolf" Moylan the other day (absolutely top bloke I've got to say) and he had nothing but good to say about Iran! V friendly people and very safe but Im still avoiding it. I'm sticking on main roads at all times and intend to take every precaution but recognise that with anything like this, there's elements of danger. FCO indicates Ukraine, South West Russia and Kazakhstan are safe (at the moment) and we'll have a guide with us in China (as per the law). As has been suggested can't see any other safer route through but definitely avoiding Hull.
I have spent the last ten years working in just about every region of Russia and Central Asia as an engineer, so i know the area very well and still have contacts out there so can get the truth, i always found the FCO to be a bit nervous on countries that they didn't know about but they do have lots of good advice.
You can get nearly all the way to the far east by staying in the Former Soviet Union with few worries.
I have spent the last ten years working in just about every region of Russia and Central Asia as an engineer, so i know the area very well and still have contacts out there so can get the truth, i always found the FCO to be a bit nervous on countries that they didn't know about but they do have lots of good advice.
You can get nearly all the way to the far east by staying in the Former Soviet Union with few worries.

Crikey - ok v useful. So what's your thoughts on staying in Russia till I get to China or going through Kazakhstan in terms of safety, roads, accomodationetc?

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